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Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)Vietnamese Music Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)

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Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)Vietnamese country music were originated from three different regions North, Central and South.

The music that came from North VietNam usually demonstrate the optimistic mood of the poor and pleasant. Some of these songs are folk songs which had been pass from generation to generation. Some of which described the work scenes on farm and usually emphasizes peace and lifestyle among the pleasant.

Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)One of the most famous music in North of VietNam is "Quan Ho." (chamber music) Quan Ho is essentially folk music and considered to be the highest art form of the a farming people, Quan Ho today are loved all over the country.   Quan Ho romances of a deep lyrical character enrapture with their sweet melodies and the straightforward and direct manner in which they are sung, with no conscious expressive effort and with clarity of enunciation.   Quan Ho was not sung for individuals but for the entertainment of large groups. Quan Ho usually divided in to group, one group is men and the other is women. And Quan Ho strarted like this: One group sing first and the other group reply and they kept continueing until the end of the song. But whatever song, lyrics the women side sing , the men side must continue replying the same song with the same lyric and thrymth until the end.
Quan Ho is communal and creativity so the singer can create their own lyric while they are singing or edit rhymth. As a result, every region has different style of singing. Through out today we can't be able to count how many Quan Ho songs and lyrics because musical not stopping creative and wrote a new lyrics everyday. Quan Ho singing is a valuable properties of Vietnamese people. hese music was not sing from the fields or in the village square but in houses or theatres. Beside we also have "Cheo".

Cheo also is a musical theatre of the common folk in ancient North Viet Nam. It took form towards the end of the 18 century and reach it peaks during the 19th century. It started to decline during the early 20th century.  Cheo reflected life in the countryside and always contained a moral lesson, criticizing evil and praising goodness. Cheo music is very diverse, Cheo had a full repertoire of recitatives and songs.

Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)In Central of Viet Nam  such as Hue, we have "Hat Ly" , is popular folk music.

Hat Ly described the beauty of the landscape and the people of Viet Nam.

The land is described the beautifully through: "Khuc Nam Binh"

Hue's girl are admired for their beauty through: "Ly Muoi Thuong"

Believe it or not, Hue’s songs had existed since the Nguyen’s Dynasty.

Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)Significantly different from North and Central of Viet Nam, South Viet nam orginates songs that described love and several dramatic situation of love. One of the most famous type of song appeared in South VietNam during 12th and 13th centuries called "Tuong opera". Tuong opera including dances, songs , material art acts, circus acts and songs with a storyline enacted by actors with painted faces.

Notnhac.gif (14995 bytes)Vietnamese ancient folk songs survived in Vietnam until the beginning of 20th century then it tend to shift toward modern music due to the influence of Western Music. With the boom of modern music, most of these folk songs gradually step aside. However, they will never forgotten. The development of Vietnamese modern music has grown very fast and is classified into two categories: One of which is Nhac Tien Chien, it used to motivate soldier during Viet Nam war , several of these songs also describe the feeling of soldier while fiting in war, and these songs demonstrate that even at war soldier are still thinking of their wife and their family.  Second categories describe the romance love.  Vietnamese entertain- ment play a special role in vietnamese's lifestyle.

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